Friday, 2 October 2009

Hollywood's Darkest Hour...

Ever since the 19th Century peoople have had this strange obsession with "the dark side" , although for a while this seemed to die down a bit. Cinema was dominated by comic book films and rom-coms. Yet after the success of Twilight, vampires are now cool again. With all the promotion surrounding the second adaptation in the series, it was only natural that I write about it.

The 2008 hit introduced young fresh faced actors and actresses and the media can't seem to get enough of them, particularly Hollywood's hottest heartthrob Robert Pattinson. Based on the novel of the same name, Twilight tells a tale of a teen romance between human and vampire following the complications that they face being so different. Despite the fact that the actors were not so well known, the film was an instant success shooting both protagonists, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to fame. But at what cost???

Despite millions of teenaged girls swooning over him, Robert Pattinson has admitted that being in the spotlight has left him lonely and now suffers from cronic paranoia. He explained that being mobbed by his female fans has taken a toll on his dating life "I'm a kind of paranoid wreck" he claims. So he's good-looking, successful, and unhappy? Take a look at this video and look at him carefully...
Robert Pattinson and the Twilight franchise are another example of how it pays to be young and hot in Hollywood. But judging from the video...what do you think does he look happy to you?